Two years ago, Eric got me this digital scrapbooking software. I loaded it on the computer, and haven't done much with it. Until this year. We made our Christmas card with it, and I friended MyMemories on Facebook. Twice this week, I sat down and they were starting what they call a "Speed scrap". The first time was at naptime, so I decided to give it a whirl. They force me to think fast, to hurry up and make a decision, because they make me build the page in an hour. It's kind of cool. This was my first one, on Tuesday, taken of Christopher on MLK day when we went out for a snowball fight.

But today I was sitting down to upload the days photos when they were starting another Speed Scrap. I figured, OK! It gets me scrapping, and I have done pages. Maybe I'll do this once a month, and have myself a real album when done. Nah. That's just crazy talk. Well, maybe....
My Sams. Sure, he's enchanting. Until you notice the dried macaroni bits all over his sweater. But this was today. We'd come home from Brunch with the fam, and it was time for Sam's nap. But he was more interested in being adorable than going to sleep. Well, it worked, we had a little photo session.
But he was tired, so he kept moving around. I like this Speed Scrap picture Best.

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