Hot Dog!!!
A little bit later, he runs under the Epcot ball, just like we did!
Then he ran through Cinderella's Castle during dawn's early light.
He ran through the Animal Kingdom too. Funny thing about Animal Kingdom, when we first went there the year it opened, our honeymoon, it was easy to spot the entrance, and the Rainforest cafee, but now the bushes and trees have grown up so much, you can hardly spot the entrance. Check out this video Eric got running through the entrance.
Eric "follow Old Rafiki, he knows dee way!"

He did a Wonderful job, running the whole thing in 5 hours and 19 minutes. That's Much better than the Monumental race he did in November was 6 hours. And he stopped for Pictures. He's so brave. And Incredible!
And more than a little bit Goofy!
Mike and I found Eric at the Hospitality House as we were bringing up our luggage, we had gotten everything packed up, and brought it up front for check out. It's true. I packed us up. I hurt my back. That made Eric and I a pair of pretty nothings gimping around all day. We walked back with Eric so he could snag an ice bath before we left for the day. Technically, he was in there a bit illegally, it was noon, and we should've been gone by 11. But no one busted us, and Eric really needed to bathe. ;)
We surprised the kids, after we packed up, by telling them they could Each pick one thing they wanted to do today, something again, something we missed, One Thing. Emily picked Meet Rapunzel and the Magic Carpets. Chris chose The People Mover...and the Magic Carpets, as soon as Emily said Magic Carpets. Then the Littles all wanted Magic Carpets. What's right for 1 is right for 5. So we headed for Magic Kingdom while Eric bathed.
The line for Rapunzel was rather long, so while we waited, I got a little crazy (Again). I grabbed Chris and Emily and made a mad dash for the Teacups. Truthfully, the Teacups was probably my One Last Thing. :)
Then we got to go back and meet Rapunzel. But by the time we got up there Sam was in a Snip.
So he missed most of the pictures.
He still got to meet the Princess. I'll be glad for these pics from the photopass people later. I must say, it's quite possible she's my favorite princess. Come on, she battles with Frying Pans and Knits!
Mike made a call while we were in line and got us reservations at the Liberty Tavern, right around the corner from the Christmas shop who does personalized ornaments, which Kathleen and I picked out and bought as our big souvenirs. And this place we had lunch, So Yummy! Home cooking, family style, and we all got to sit at a big round table where we could all talk to each other. As usual, Sam ate his weight in macaroni. Fabulous. Just before lunch we picked up Eric, clean and fresh from his run. So we ate, then ran off to ride the Magic Carpets.
Watch out for the Camels, they spit!
It occurred to me that Eric was all bedecked in his Goofy garb, goofy medal and shirt, that a picture with Goofy would be most appropriate. We had yet to see him in person this trip. I found him by Pirates of the Caribbean, but he was on a break because he was in a parade. (All characters in the parade are not found anywhere else in the park.) So we hopped on Pirates of the Caribbean real quick while we waited, Mike had wanted to see it, and Eric and Chris wanted to go again. It's always a good one. Afterwards though, Goofy was not back yet. So we had to surrendure on Goofy, it was time to get on the People Mover. We thought that would be a great note to end the trip on.
Christopher really felt it was. The views were great, until the ride got stuck in the dark pits of despair in Space Mountain.
And it was all relaxing until I realized I lost my backpack. I stood at the ride, waiting for all the booths to go around again, to no avail. I was near tears when I saw Eric hold up my bag, I had set it down by a tree at the base of the ramp up to the ride. Bless Him. I cried. We decided that was our sign, it was time to grab some ice cream and hit the road.
Bye bye Magic Kingdom! Bye Bye Old Key West.
See ya' Real Soon!
Of course, then once we got to the Airport. THEN we find Goofy. Who's the Goofiest?
Yup. Eric is.
Blessedly, the kids all did quite well on the flight home, we didn't get in until 11:30, the kids had only dozed on the plane, but conked out on the way home. The boys and I crashed and stayed home the next day, it was a good day for napping. We needed a day of vacation to recover from our vacation. Though Sam had brought home cooties, that he very kindly shared with Eric and I, and we've been sick most of the last week, and finally, the sun is out, the snot is clearing out of all our heads, and we can start plotting the next big vacation. ;)
I have so enjoyed reading and seeing the pictures from your trip! Thanks!
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