The boys have had a great morning, and before we head out to the familial celebrations of the day, I thought I put up a few pictures of the boys enjoying our abundant gifts too.
Chris was so excited to see the presents left by the Easter Bunny. At our house, he leaves some chocolate, and jelly beans in their baskets, and hides all the eggs that we've dyed.
Chris was great at hunting for the eggs, Sam just kept picking the same eggs up. He was more interested in his presents...and the chocolate. :_
They were less than festive with getting all dressed up, mostly because they would've been content to sit around and eat chocolate all day.
True, we love to sit and eat to celebrate, but today is a day for Worship. Easter is not as popular a holiday as Christmas, but really it should be much moreso. We celebrate all kinds of people's birthdays for the wise things they said and did, and it's nice to celebrate them, Martin Luther King, Lincoln, that sort of thing. But Jesus. Jesus did so much more than just be born. We should celebrate his death, and Rising even more than Christmas. And so gladly and grateully we put on new clothes, and went to church to Praise the Lord, to celebrate the Miracle that He Lives.
O death, where is your sting?
O hell, where is your Victory?
O church, come stand in the light,
Our God is not dead, He's Alive, HE'S ALIVE!
So much to celebrate, our wonderful Lord Jesus has conquered death, and rose again, and he Lives. And reigns. Forever and Ever. We are so Blessed. We all hope you have a wonderfully Blessed Easter too.
Happy Easter! Love, Us
Happy Easter to you all! :)
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