Trick or Treat! Happy Halloween, Love Chris and Sam...aka Batman and Robin.
Our friends the Julius girls came over to Trick or Treat with us. We had mass hysteria kind of crazy going on, with Thing 1 and Thing 2, and the Superheros who try to save them. But there was a lot of Cuteness at the same time.
Watch Out Bad Guys, Supergirl and Batman are on the loose!
And we learned why Edna says, "No Capes". Robin's cape got locked up in the wheels of the wagon, aka The Batmobile, and wrapped around it so fast, it pulled right off the velcro. Daddy and Batman were able to retrieve it for Robin, but it was touch and go there for a bit. Good plan, No Capes.
We got to stop at our friends houses in the neighborhood: The Sinkovics, The Welsh's, and The Steinke's. Emilie S. had quite the haul for our little crew. And her fiance Brian helped Batman use his 'powers' to turn on the car. It was so cute, Chris didn't even know he had it in him.
But the powers of Cuteness are strong with these, I tell you, even with only hitting a few houses, they had quite a good haul. I love that Chris enjoys handing out candy with me just as much as going door to door. Days like this make me think Halloween is my favorite holiday, not just for all the chocolate I live on, but because of how much Joy it brings my boys, brings me a lot too.
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