The kids adored the petunias in the sunken garden.
We could not have picked a pretty day for those Petunias.
And I never liked Canna lilies until I saw these. Gorgeous!
One of the most interesting shots of canna lilies.
Some of these, like this one, I don't know.
Bromeliad. I think I may need one of these.
Golden Candle from Mexico.
A Beautiful dark purple orchid. It was in a very shady corner, and the lighting was very goofy. But when the flash popped off, I think it turned out pretty awesome.
Yellow Hisbiscus. Ever notice how the pistil almost look like an alien?
I don't know what this one is either, but the bumbles seemed to love it. I just loved the blue violet color.
And a coneflower for the road. Ah.
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