I'm pretty sure my pinky toe is broken.
This afternoon, I was feeding Sam, who objected highly to chicken and vegetables, so I paused, and was cleaning up some clutter in the front hallway. On my way to Chris's room, I tripped over the giant bags of salt in the hallway, not once, not Twice, but THREE TIMES. (Yes, I DO blame my husband a little bit for this.) I tripped on it once, dinged the toenail, my formerly festive Colts Blue and moved on. Moments later, taking another pack of restaurant crayons into Chris's room, BAM! I did it again. I gimped into the kitchen and sat down on the chair to try to feed Sam some more. That didn't go over well either, so done listening to the screaming. I didn't think I'd broken it, but my foot was throbbing a bit. I moved Sam to the living room floor, and once again tackled the bag of crap from the car. Upon finding another crayon (seriously I added to his crayon bag 4X) I go zipping through the hall, and BLAMMO! This time, yeah, the pain radiated up my leg, throbbing and all, I collapse on the floor. This upset Chris terribly. Luckily, his magical power is in his hugs, and after a good few of them, I was able to pull myself together and get up off the floor. But that stupid pinky toe HURT! However I could still walk on it. I put the kids down for naps, and grabbed some ice, but it was already swelling and turning lovely shades.
Now it's lovely shades of pink, no more wrinkles and a purple band, I caught a brief glimpse of the underside, and it's even uglier.
I hate 50# bags of Water softener salt.
However, once I told Eric that I tripped on the same bag of salt that he'd left in the hallway THREE TIMES! He moved it. I didn't have to ask him to move it, I just had to break my toe.
OUCH! Isn't there supposed to be something about lightning never striking in the same place twice??
Well, I've already proven that theory wrong.
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