1. Read the Bible. I didn't make much progress here. I only made a little more progress into 2 Samuel. But now I seem to have lost my Message Bible in the move.
2. Go to Choir. Well, no progress here again, they are still out for the summer.
3. Join a gym. I have not been to the gym, but I have been doing a bit of exercising, mostly walking, getting out to the zoo, or I even cracked open the wii fit. My MOPS group started a biggest loser contest the last couple days of June. I lost 12 pounds during the month of July by simply tracking my food at caloriecount.about.com, and occasionally walking, though mostly I just counted moving boxes, or packing as my exercise. ;)
4. Take a Photography class. Actually, Progress was made here. For our anniversary, Eric registered me for a day class through a company called Chimpsy. It was really neat. I got to practice some of my manual modes, which was neat. I have so much to learn.
My favorite from that class, just a begonia bloom I found on the street.

The boys playing crazy underneath the willow in our old backyard.

Twins Kristin and Sarah celebrated their 2nd birthday this month, my favs of them and their mama.
And my boys take advantage of the extremely hot days by some splash time in our neighbors' the Welsh's backyard pool. They had so much fun! Me too.
5. Get the boys Healthy. Sam is continuing along just fine, I'm getting tempted to just cut his thickened liquids. But Chris made a huge leap forward this month. We didn't know if it would ever happen. I can fairly confidently say, He Is Potty-Trained! Picture it, Thursday the 7th was like any other day, he was in diapers, blah blah blah. But by the time I picked him up Friday, he had peed in the potty at ABA Day Camp Twice! And been Dry all day! It was amazing!

I could not be more Proud of him. He's pretty proud of himself too, and his Batman underwear. This was a toy we were saving for an all dry day. Little did we know he'd be getting it for his first and last day. By the next day, Saturday, he was standing to pee, and requesting to pee in public. Hooray for Potty Trained!
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