Am I crazy for putting us all in red? Maybe. But I love the matching clothes look, and the boys are only going to let me do it for a little while longer. They are growing up too fast. Sigh.
First thing on our docket yesterday was to be in the Parade. How wonderfully freeing that we can march in the town parade for our Church VBS. That's Freedom of Religion in action right there. God bless the USA!
The theme this year is Pandamania! so the boys got Panda ears to sport along with their flags.
And then both boys were invited to ride the float. Nothing says Festivity like bunny ears, with panda ears, and Flags. :)
Sweet Brothers.
Sam and his friend Jenny. He got bribed into happiness by digging into the lollipops we were throwing to the kids. I tried to limit their candy intake, but I think they had a steady stream of candy in their mouths all morning.
This wink gets me, every time.
Here's our group on the float, of course, it was raining. Did I mention it was raining? Well it was, a nice drizzle, just enough to frizz our hair, and then enough to put droplets on my camera.
Eric and Chris toss candy to the kids along the parade route.
There was a bucket of candy on the back of the float for those of us (Moms mostly) who were walking behind, to grab fistfuls and toss. Gotta say, my favorite part was beaning the occasional teenager or other mom with a piece of candy. Really appealed to my delinquent side. To Chris's too, once the kids started to run low of candy on the float, Sticky Fingers McWillman started to go for our candy too, almost going overboard. He had to be shut down and banished from the back of the truck.
After the parade, we had a picnic to go to. Grandpa Willman grilled out brats, so we headed to their place to meet up with the rest of the Fam. While we waited, Chris asked very nicely if he could try on my new hat. I couldn't say no. He was so adorable in it.
And added bonus of this holiday weekend is celebrating my niece's, our Goddaughter's, birthday. Alexis was born on the 3rd, and she just celebrated her 10th birthday! Grandma was real subtle with a giant cookie. She's growing into such an amazing young lady, its not fair. I can't believe she's in double digits already.
Meanwhile the boys enjoyed some mini-cupcakes.
Uncle Karl took a few moments to read to Chris and Kaylee, it was so sweet. Meanwhile Sam was having a great time being tossed around by Aunt Erica.
After naps, Mommy could no longer move; my back didn't like walking to the parade, in the parade, and home from the parade. I hurt. So we didn't walk down to the fireworks show. We didn't go anywhere. This last pic was the view from the back window, lots of our neighbors were shooting off things, but it just hurt for me to watch. We put the kids to bed at a semi-reasonable hour, and listened to the fireworks from the safely inside our home. Somehow even with getting them to bed at 9, they still had the post-holiday snips today. Oh well, drugs and a good night sleep help with the pain, and an all pajama day, we're all doing much better today.
Looks like a great day! :) I especially love that you threw candy at teens, you know...while marching in a parade with your church's float. lol What better way to knock some Jesus into people's heads! ;)
Thanks for joining Alicia and I in the Crazy Days of Summer Photo Challenge. I hope you'll be back next week when we take on a new theme, critters. Eek! Hope you're having a great weekend.
A fun day from start to finish. Fun collection of photos! Thanks for joining the Crazy Days of Summer!
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