Three Letters: MNO. Mom's Night Out! It's become my haven, my place of sanity, and being around people who 'Get It' makes it that much more valuable. Tonight my girlfriend Amy and I joined up with the CPCC Mom 2 Mom group at Pottery By You tonight. I'd never been before, but I'm SO going to be going back!
It was so therapeutic to chat, and paint, and get all crafty and creative, all at the same time. I picked a rectangular vase, and I painted it to go in our new kitchen. I guess I've been reduced to Art around our house usually involves crayons and takes 10 minutes or less. So this was a real treat!
Our gals had a great time, brought snacks, and everybody's projects were so beautiful and unique. It's going to be so neat to see them all Fired Up!
My final project...Before. I'll post the After when I get it next week.
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