I wish I could spoil Eric the way he deserves to be spoiled. He's a great husband and father to the boys, even though he hasn't been able to be around much lately. I'd love to buy him new computer parts, or equally geeky. Right now, we have to settle on taking some Time, to just be together. Today was actually a really great Father's Day...for me. I got to spend Quality Time with all three of my Sweetboys.
Eric took the morning off from working on the house to come to church with us. Oddly enough, I think Chris was actually paying attention today. He was pretty well behaved. After Service, we grabbed some friends, The Elser boys, and all went to Pit Stop together. We were there a little early, so we go to be the first ones in when they opened the doors. The waffle guy and omelette man make it worth it. And to be there with my hubs and sweetboys, it had been a while, made it great.
Mommy and Daddy ate enough to be quite tired when we got home. Eric took a half hour power nap before heading over to work on the house. I can't remember the last time he took a nap...in the middle of the day.
After he worked for a few hours, he came home and we all went to my Dad's for dinner. The boys were happy to play together. My Dad brought the kids some souvenir cars from Germany, where they went on a school trip last month. The boys had a great time, running wild and crazy until I couldn't take any more and we had to make a quick break. And we ate well too! But don't we always...my stepmom can make leftovers amazing.
I had been hunting for a picture of my Dad with Eric, and I couldn't find one taken in the last 6 months. So this time it was My Turn to beg for the big group picture.
They gently obliged.
I made all the Dads get together for a photo. Big strong male testosterone Grrr... They Cracked. Me. Up.
The Dads and their kids (and grandkids)!
And my Dad and his girls. It was good to spend the day with some of my Favorite dads. What a great day!
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