I am loving Thanksgiving weekend. By not traveling extensively, we have started making our new traditions, like getting all the Christmas stuff out of storage. Yesterday, Eric grabbed the bins from our storage facility, and today we started unpacking. The boys cracked my up by insisting on playing with every festive Christmasy toy.
The reindeer antlers were a big hit!

Chris is actually sporting the ones we originally bought for fina back in 2003, I think? He loves the little jingle bell jangling...so did Sam. But he kept telling me to take his picture, and not looking at the camera.

Sam's were a gift to Mommy from Opa. He kept calling them Hat, and pulling them off, putting them back on again, and repeating.

Two seconds after this was taken, they were on the floor, and he had moved on to the next big thing, which I suppose I must do too.
LOVELOVELOVE that last pic of Sam - can you print one off for me since I can't steal them anymore, please? They're so dang cute.
Incidentally, Annie learned a new word - beautiful - and said "Chris is boo-ful too!" :)
It's True, he is. :)
Alicia's mother was once quoted screaming, "Shut up! We're having pleasant conversation!" LOL
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