Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Capturing Snowflakes

What a gorgeous morning!  

It's still icy, and now we've got the addition of a few fluffy snowflakes. 

Prinny is still happy it snowed.  

 I just loved the look of the new layer of snowflakes on the back stoop.  I couldn't help myself.  I had to go for the camera.  And I broke out the macro, and was trying not to fall in the snow as I got down and snapped a few.

A fresh layer of snowflakes.  My fav of the day. 

Unadulterated.  Really, the snowflakes were just Glowing like this in the morning sun. 

Just a few on my shirt.  
Not too shabby, for my first snowflake shoot of the season.
But that's all Jacob let me shoot.  He was not down with letting me stay outside in the snow alone.  
And I was not down with dressing him up to come out while I tried further.