"Today is your birthday! Today you are you!
If we didn’t have birthdays, you wouldn’t be you."
Christopher got to wear the costume of his favorite book to school yesterday. He stood there asking me as I took this, "Mommy, are you going to put this on my balog?" Yes, dear I am. Eric and I have been talking about the future of the kids blogs. Someday soon, I think Chris is going to be making his own blogs, and some stuff they might not want out there, so we're considering locking them down, password protecting them. Not mine, I don't care what's out there, but the boys, perhaps. Any of you have thoughts?
Oh, back to the subject of the pictures at hand. So, Christopher can read Green Eggs and Ham in its entirety, so we did that this week, in honor of the occasion.
Say! In the dark? Here in the Dark? Would you, Could you in the dark?
Personally, I've had green eggs and ham, and it's not too shabby, but I wouldn't want it every day. I suppose we should have done that today for breakfast, but we didn't. Funny, how I never realized Dr. Seuss birthday was 'A Thing' until I had elementary school children. When Chris was younger, I thought, well, that's an obscure thing to celebrate. But now, I love Dr. Seuss. His books are magic to the young reader. The rhymes, the poetry, he was a bloody genius! I get it. AND I just love being to recycle Halloween costumes! These may stay with us for a while.
“From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!”
― Dr. Seuss, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
It is true. Dr. Seuss is wonderful. Today our library had an event, and we went, Sam dressed up, the Julius twins met us, and we listened to some stories. They did a craft, but our little crew could've cared less. We were the only ones to dress up for the occasion, and we had a great time. I am just so Blessed.
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
― Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!
That applies to my kids, and well, just to anyone!
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss, wherever you are, Thank you for being swell!
I love Dr. Seuss too!
As you know, my blog is private. My hubby doesn't want pictures and stories of our kids on the internet for just anyone to read. I understand that...
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