I took only Jacob with me, because the big boys had a Scout thing. But we'd gotten a message from Karl saying we could come by in small groups. So I asked if it was ok for Jacob to meet him tonight. I brought Food. Because there was no way I was going to but in, without at least feeding them. It's so hard having a newborn, let alone a high maintenance one!
On the way up there, Jacob and I had a serious discussion. Only Toes. I didn't want him touching his face or hands. He was surprisingly obedient. Before we even got there, he was chanting, "Boys don't touch Baby Bryce's face, only his toes. Mommies can touch his face." He had gotten the main idea.
This was my first sight of him at home.
He was Just finishing up a feeding. He prefers to have his head on the side as he gets fed. He drinks about half of it by bottle, then gets the rest dumped in via feeding tube. When they first brought him home, it was taking them an hour and a half, because the tube was so tiny. They upgraded shortly before I arrived, and the next feeding only took a half an hour. Woohoo!
I picked him up to hold him, and he had blown out his outfit. Isn't that just like a baby?!
Aunt Cathy volunteered to burp and change a diaper. It's so much easier on a newborn than on full grown bottoms on big baby boys.
Oh this face! He knew I was someone different. And he was so curious, checking me out, lifting that giant melon and moving around to get a better look. I'm in Love.
This was my Favorite shot.
As he was focusing on me, he worked so hard his eyes were crossing.
Remember that one time, when Jacob and Cole actually got along, and played together?
Yeah, it didn't last long. But there for a moment they were getting along.
It's tricky to take a selfie with all this Cuteness!
But I am one Proud Auntie!
He reminds me so much of Christopher, so tough, with a strong will, yet at the same time, mellow and loving. They have the same chin.
Jacob had gotten distracted by Cole and his toys. But eventually, he'd made it over to Bryce and I. And he was very careful about only touching Bryce's feet.
Bryce was practically asleep when Jacob got to him, and he was snoring. Jacob said, "Baby Bryce snores!... and is crazy!" as he ran back to play some more with Cole. It's true. He snores like all my boys did, big snoochy snores like Eric. He fits right into this family.
He probably has some nasal inflammation due to the feeding tube being threaded through his nose. He keeps pulling it out, so they had to learn how to put it in. But with Erica's medical background, she used to give Cardiac Stress Tests, and had some high maintenance patience. Let me just say, she's a superchamp. And Karl learned it first, he is rocking this whole gig. They are such perfect parents for this child, God always knows exactly what He's doing.
And Bryce, he fits right in.
As Jacob says, he's Crazy. Just like all of us. He's so slick, he reaches back, gently puts his hand on his cheek, pretending he's gonna doze off, but then at the last second, BAM! He goes for the tube. Like he's gonna rub his cheek, or push hair out of his face (if he had any) and boom, grab the tube. They've gotta be fast keeping an eye on this Sneaky Pete!
Yes, he fits right in.
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