But this kid has Spirit early in the morning on New Year's Day.
As we were walking, my stepmom pointed out how cute my Dad and Sam were.
I agreed. It was a Perfect Day for a Football Game!
We took this pic "with the football guy" on our way in.
I posted it to Instagram, and tagged it with the hashtag for the game, #JaxVsIndyand by the time we were having lunch, it was being flashed over the big screen with some of the other pictures.
Neither Sam or my Dad had ever made the big screen. They thought it was really cool!
My Dad took this pic of Sam and I before things got underway. You can see that they were giving out T-shirts to everyone, they were laying on the seats. It really was a sea of blue.
I love these new T-shirts. My Dad let Eric and I have 2!
Here's a pic I took of my Dad, and I posted this one too.
By the second half, it was showing up on the big screen.
It was pretty Awesome to see him up there.
He was thrilled, and I was proud.
He doesn't do Instagram, but I do. So I was happy to actually give this gift to him.
This ended up being my favorite picture of the game.
Sam and I doing our "Make Some Noise" selfie.
We're silly, but kind of fabulous.
Sam got kind of bored by halftime, he was playing on his ipad. We weren't doing well. And he continued during the 3rd quarter. But the team started was losing. So we stopped, and they caught up. He grabbed it again, and played into the 4th quarter, at which point, we tied it up. But then Jax got the lead. I made him put it down, and with a minute and a half, we plowed the field, and got the touchdown to win the game! It was the Best End of Game Ever! I just wish the rest of the season could've been so awesome. It was the last game of our season.
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