I Thank God every day for all my blessings, but maybe I just don't say them outloud enough, or only in November. On facebook, I've been writing down things every day this month that I am Thankful for, so I thought I'd list them out here too.
I am Thankful for:
1. The Cuteness. For Cocoa, Candy, Chocolate, and Charlie Brown on a belated Halloween.
2. Our good health. My husband is a Maniac who ran (and sometimes walked) the Monumental Marathon.
3. For time with other moms who "get me" and that don't mind at all that Children's Books make me cry. It was a good good day at baby Meghan G.'s baby shower.
4. Beastly Big Babies who want to drink all the time. I'm so Thankful Jacob is Healthy, I probably don't say it enough. Though, I wonder, is it time for a growth spurt?
5. Naptime. My children are not doing well with the time change.
6. 5 consecutive hours of sleep. I can't remember how long its been.
7. Sam, being my sweet pumpkin, and listening him be able to count up to 110 and back down.
8. Time with Friends. First I spent the morning with my old MOPS buddies, then my girlfriend Caryn came by for lunch/drinks, and it was just a good day for Quality Time.
9. Time with Family, watching Chris get his orange belt and turkey pie dinner with my Dad and Stepmom.
10. Brother in law serving abroad, and my Dad who served in the Air Force and who took Eric and Chris to their first Colts game.
11. Cathy C. who came over and helped me pfeffernuss and springerle cookies.
12 Children's Tylenol as Jacob's second tooth breaks through/
13. Gingerbread syrup that Eric bought online because Starbucks was dumb and decided to not serve gingerbread lattes in central Indiana this year. Your loss Starbucks - we're making them at home!
14. That Eric surprised me by purchasing rum. When I said, Oh I wish we had a bit of rum to help finish off that last bit of spiced apple
15. All Teachers. God Bless Them! It's not just a Gift, it's a Calling, and I'm so glad they answered their Calls.
16. My husband's Wonderful family - got to spend the day with Mom W. and we got to host a Baby Shower for Karl and Erica's firstborn sweetboy!
17. We didn't get hit by a tornado...they did about 15 miles away.
18. My friend Kelly, who passed away in 2009, it would have been her birthday, she was integral in getting Eric and I together.
19. That my full time job involves being at home with my sweetboys, and even though I have to 'work' the holidays, it's is still a lot of fun, and that I don't have to work retail.
20. My elder sweetboys who were getting along while we waited together for the bus. Eric had an early meeting and they were getting along And helpful; it was historic.
21. I can be pretty productive in 20 minute increments, since that's all the baby is sleeping.
22. Answered Prayers - specifically when he answers the health of me and my sweetboys, as a friend's 1 month old baby was getting discharged after being admitted with RSV, and visiting another friend who'd had a hysterectomy for uterine cancer. Both are recovering well!
23. A Pool Party with Sam's friends, and a cool snowy evening drive home.
24. Overdose of Cuteness at Church when the kids all got up and sang, "Wanna Be Thankful"
25. Christmas music and Christmas cookie baking with my friend Cathy C.
26. Eucerin cream and Aquaphor - the pastes of choice for Jacob's eczema
27. The healthy birth of James Dean Willman
28. All my friends and family
29. Kopetsky's car wash. Chris puked in the car and Eric took it to get it cleaned, now it shines like the top of the Chrysler building.
30. My sweet husband who goes on a gatorade run for me at 10 o'clock at night because I'm sick.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
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