Sam slays me with the lifting of his shirt Every Time he gets up in front of the church.
I should have known the boys were up to something when Chris wanted to wear his Dress Up shirt to church. He usually argues with me. I think he knew they were singing. He did look good up there though.
First they sang a jazzy Amazing Grace, then they sang "Wanna Be" about how they wanna be Thankful.
Me too. Me too!
I felt jump started into the holidays by witnessing these kids sing with such Joy.
I'd been in such a funk, but God was sending me a sign.
Recently, our church has started a Contemporary service, the Grace service, at the same time as the Traditional service. It's mostly lead by laypersons, but we swap out the pastor and the associate every other week switching services. It's wild to me that we can drink coffee and the kids can color right there during the service. The kids do better in that service. But on this Sunday, the kids went from singing at the Traditional Service to Singing at the Grace service. The attendees at both were so excited.
For some reason, they put Chris in the back row, since he's old enough to be considered one of the 'big kids' but he's hard to see back there. But he did a great job.
I was so proud, not just of Chris and Sam, but of all the kids.
And I am so Thankful for their teachers, finding The Spirit, when I'm having trouble, and sharing it.
God Bless Them.
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