Thursday, November 14, 2013


It snowed this week.  And it's Cold outside.  Christopher says it's not fair that it's winter, and yet still fall.  He takes great pride in the fact that his birthday is on the winter solstice, the first day of winter.  And it's not officially winter until his birthday.  So this snow snuck up on us.

Either way, it was gorgeous outside, and I went outside and took some pictures while Chris waited for the bus.

It has been such nice weather lately, that my flowers were still blooming, my geraniums and snapdragons were still in bloom when it snowed.  They looked really awesome. 

Snow on Snapdragons. 

But the most beautiful on this lovely snowy morning was our Dawn Redwood.  

Christopher calls it "fwinter" since it's a fallish sort of winter.

Chris and I were checking out the tree as the sun came up, it hit, and Bam! the tree literally glowed.

Only nature could be this Awesome! 

I love the way the sun hits the needles. 

He really makes death of plants (or anything really) so beautiful.  

A branch against the blue sky.  Sigh.

Christopher insisted on taking my picture.  Even first thing in the morning, he still can get a good picture out of me.  He's really got a good eye.   After he left for school, I went back out for another round, this time, taking the time to shoot in manual, something I don't get to do very often at all.  

Pretty happy with the results.  

The glowy orange needles and the white snow, with just a hint of green.  Gorgeous. 

Another Great Job God!