We had a visitor to the backyard.
The word is out, I have full new birdfeeders in the backyard.
Eric and I went to the Birds Unlimited store over break and I got a week after-Christmas present of new feeders. And it's become clear, the birds know.
Today, it wasn't just juncos visiting.
All my little lbb's (little brown birds) disappeared when this big fella paid a visit.
I don't think he managed to eat any of my regular visitors.
But he searched out the woodpile to see where they were all hiding and wintering.
I thought it might be a broad tailed hawk, but it could be Cooper's hawk.
That tail is spooky.
A friend mentioned she used to keep her birdfeeders full, until she realized she was drawing in birds to the feeder that fed other birds. Big raptors like these hover around little feeders like mine, to eat.
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