Friday, May 1, 2015

The big 40

What a Fabulous Birthday!  

I was not sure if the the Over 40 club was the kind of club I wanted to join, but if all my days are going to be as fabulous as this - 40 is going to be fun!

On my Birthday, Sam had a Field Trip to a local Farm.  So my sister-in-law took Jacob for the morning, while I met Sam and his class at the Hidden River Farm.  We had a breakfast of honey flakey biscuits, and my big present was the DVD player for the car for Jake and I to share.  Eric got me some new goody drinkies, including coffee and a pumpkin liquor  I can't wait to try this fall.  

I got there a bit early, and just sat in the parking lot, drinking my coffee and my Ningxia Red in the quiet of the woods, surrounded by spring noises.  It was so peaceful.  There were birds chirping happily in the morning, and the occasional whinny from my neighbors.  A beautiful calming start to the morning, I had to snap a picture of the view out my window, because it was so perfect. 

Then the kids arrived!  
Sam is in a neon green shirt next to his teacher, Miss F.  (He didn't receive one of the class orange shirts because he was sick on the day of the Dog Dash.  And for some reason, we never thought of getting the shirt to have at home.  So it's lost forever.  That's ok, I had seen his teacher's request for wearing their orange dog dash shirts.  So I put him in his orange shirt.   He matched fine.  He stayed close to his teacher and I, and I was very impressed at what a good kid he was in class.  I was proud he didn't run wild and act crazy, like a number of the other kids were tempted to do.  

Say Cheese! 
How fun is this, that the goats get to play in a kid's playhouse.  
We got to meet some goats and sheep, bunnies and horses while out at the farm.  

Hey baby, gimme a kiss!

Did I mention, we picked a gorgeous day? 
We took a hike along White Lick Creek near the old railroad track path, all grown with wildflowers and trees.  I felt like we were escaping reality.  

After our farm date, Sam got on the bus to go back to school, and I popped back to Amy's to rescue Jacob.  He didn't need much rescuing.  He was having a fabulous time playing with his cousin Jeremiah.  I found them outside, running around.  Did I mention it was a gorgeous day?  It was.   And the two little yahoos were taking rocks from Ryan and Amy's fire pit and throwing the rocks back in.  It turns out that my son has quite the right arm!  

And when we got tulips look so happy!  
Who sees the hidden Mickey?  

Having this row of high red tulips in bloom make me smile.  They turned out even more gorgeous in real life than when I dreamed of having them out from lining the porch.  

I hadn't realized that while we were at the farm, I hadn't gotten any pictures of Sam and I together.  So after he got home from school, we took a silly selfie.   It was fun to spend this special day with my Sams.   

After everyone got home, Daddy included, we decided to go out for dinner as a whole family.  I like to spend my special day with the kids, and since we'd had sushi last weekend with Jacob, we decided to go to fulfill my other big craving, Fogo de Chao.  We were worried about taking all the yahoos out to a nice restaurant in public.  But we decided to risk it.  I am so glad we did!   This was the first time that all three boys ate, and they had a wonderful time turning the cards over to get the guys to come over and give them samples of meat.  Well, not Jacob, he mostly ate bread and cheese, nothing wrong with that.  But I ate my weight in meaty goodness.  And the side items!   For dessert I got this papaya cream.  The waiter talked us into it years ago, saying it helped break down all that meat.  It works.  I tried not ordering it once, and I waddled painfully all the home.  So I order the papaya stuff.  This time, they suggested a drinkie, a digestivo is what he told me.  It was called 43, cuarenta y tres.  Some fabulous distillate from South America that was made from 43 different herbs.  It tasted like a carmelly jagermeister.  Now, I love me some jager, and this stuff gave it a run for its money.  AND I got to drink and Eric did the driving.  I had a lovely ride home.  The kids were good, and really just being with them and not having to scream my head off, that was one of the best presents of all!