I've been in a fair bit of pain this last week, that has put me in a deeper funk. I have little that's nice to say, so I haven't been saying much.
Lately, I only get out of the house to eat or go to the doctor or a combination of the two. Eric and I like to swing out for lunch when we're out for a doctor's appointment. But it's been a week and a half since we've done that. This week was a good week for Other Things. First on Tuesday for Christopher's special Guest Reading Day at school. Eric wheeled me over to the school so we hear Chris read "Rooster Can't Cock-a-Doodle Doo" to his class. He rocked, I cried. I was a Proud Mama!
Wednesday, Eric let me out again. He wheeled me to Chris's school again, so we could see Christopher and his First Grade class in their 1st Grade Music Program. Even his Grandma W. came to see. Can you spot him in the front row of the red shirt group? He did such a Wonderful job, singing and dancing, he was Awesome! He rocked, I cried. Again, I was so Proud of him!
Last Sunday I started having pain in my arms, and my hands were swelling up. It wasn't too awful in the morning, mildly annoying, but by naptime, my fingers were numbish, and the aches were in my shoulders and elbows. I couldn't help crying as I drifted off to sleep because my shoulders hurt so much to lay on, yet I can only sleep on my sides. Vicious cycle! My nap wasn't a quality one. So I started googling things about weird arm pain and pregnancy, and I learned that "Pregnancy Induced Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" is a Thing. And after reading two testimonials, I was Pretty sure that was what was bothering me. The numbness in the fingers, the pain in wrists, elbows, all the way up to shoulders and neck. I was Sure that I'd be seeing my chiropractor first in the morning...except Monday was a holiday, and he probably wouldn't have been in. That made me more upset. Sunday night was misery, I couldn't help the tears. A number of my friends commented on my fb that they'd had it with pregnancy too, and they recommended wrist braces. First thing Monday morning, I sent Eric to the drug store for wrist braces, he even picked me up an elbow support too. I wore them all day. My fingers were swollen to the point, I was going to have to take off my wedding ring, and I've already upgraded to wearing Eric's instead of my own.
So I wore those braces on Monday, Monday night, but Tuesday, during the day I took them off, and started wearing them only to sleep. That has helped immensely. By Thursday, the discomfort was neglible. Still, I think it is bothering me deep down because I'm still in a rotten mood. I get frustrated at all the things I can't do, like helping my kids when they have giant poop blowouts, which has been a common problem around here this week. At least I'm not crying all the time.
Baby has also been working his way up into my lungs, so now I have no room to breathe, even if I could. Some of his kicks have gotten rather painful. Even got my first wicked leg cramp, but I've been better about drinking my gatorade. But it's kind of a Relief to have regular old 3rd trimester aches and pains. It's just rough in combination with everything else.
30 weeks pregnant pics. Getting bigger.
Isn't black supposed to be slimming? Ha!
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