So yesterday, I got motivated, I was talking to my friend Emilie, and she was telling me how she had done some yoga and that her dog and cat had joined her. Hmmm. Diet alone isn't cutting the mustard, I need to get serious about exercise....
Since my appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon last month, I've been trying to get to this Water Aerobics Class that Brownsburg Rec Center does at the high school for 3$ a session Mondays and Wednesday. (He told me to build my Core muscles, and to start small. not pilates, but start with swimming) I've been seriously trying to get there for 3 weeks. Seriously. The first time, Eric didn't make it home on time. The next attempt, I showed up at 7, swimsuit in hand, and the class had started at 6. I cried. Last week, Eric forgot again. I snipped, he snipped back, this was the best argument ever. When he's wrong, he's quiet, but when he has a good point, he speaks. His point was, how can I forget a class you've never been to, that's not even on the calendar? Even I had to surrendure to this logic. I put it on the calendar for the rest of the month. Then I threw my back out. So now I'm doing better, so I thought THIS WEEK would be different. Yet somehow Monday I forgot AND Eric didn't get home on time.
Is this a Sign?
Perhaps. Last night, Eric made it home, I literally said bye as he was entering the house, Chris was driving me batty, so I zipped over to the high school, found the lady to sign in, and she says, "So, you know that that this is a self-taught class now right?" Huh? "Yeah, one instructor had surgery, and blah blah... so now you just come in and do it yourself. " How do I do that? "Well, some folks get in the water and run, others use the noodles..." The Hey?! This is my first time successfully making it to this stupid class, and I don't know what I'm doing. I'm lucky I found the pool at the high school to begin with. (First trip I got lost) I crossed my newly added name off the list, turned around and left. I was crying by the time I got to the car. I drowned my sorrows in a Starbucks Honey Latte and read a 6th grade book called Trout and Me, read the whole thing in Starbucks, because by gum, I wasn't going home!
Do they have any idea how hard it is to get children fed, and husbands home in time to make to a flipping water aerobics class by 6 anyway? Apparently not.
So God IS sending me a sign.
...He'll MAKETH me to lie down in green pastures, especially if I don't lie down in them on my own.
So, since I need to do Something, my weight loss has been tapering, I got up this morning intent on breaking out my old "Sweatin' to the Oldies III" video. And so I did. AND Chris joined me. This struck me as a wise way to start, because I thought, Chris would have fun, he may even exercise with me. If we exercised together...then I'd get healthy...he'd have fun exercising...we'd all be healthy...happy and healthy...evermore. Happily Ever After, right? Right.
I forgot. Richard Simmons.
Richard Simmons is like a Train Wreck. You can't turn away, you can't stop. You can't now watch, you can't just sit on the couch and just laugh. You just keep going. At one point, yes, at the "Build me up Buttercup" song, I remember, I was there hating Richard Simmons. Then a small voice in the back of my mind, don't hate Richard Simmons, hate is too strong. The Kirstey Alley-like voice suddenly got louder and won out; "Richard Simmons Loves Us!!!"
Yeah. Curse you Richard Simmons!
Even Christopher got sucked into the Train Wreck. The first half of the video, Chris sat stone still on the couch, just watching, hypnotized, watching the train wreck. Then he wanted, Up. Mommy didn't stop. Chris got sat down on the couch, if he wasn't going to exercise, Mommy sure wasn't stopping now! Well, about 1/2 way through, he got up and started dancing with me. Even Chris got sucked in by Richard Simmons. It was actually pretty adorable. Chris dances like such a little white boy. Dancing with him, making a fool by his side...obviously I'm not making a fool of myself if I'm doing it within my role of Mother, it's my justification. Is this good? Is this bad? I'm not sure yet.
I'm trying Yoga tomorrow.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
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