Saturday morning, we watched the snow fall. It was Perfect, we didn't really need to be anywhere. The storm hit early in the morning, so that it was still blowing and bustling when we got up for breaky. Jacob stood in the doorway of the front hall talking to the snowstorm, a lot of Woah, and Oh Yeahs. It was pretty adorable.
The big boys had been hoping and praying that it would be the snowman kind of snow. Alas, it was not. It was too dusty for that. We spent the morning, and early day snuggled up by the fire in the living room watching cartoons and movies. But once the snow stopped, and sun started to shine, nothing could stop them from going outside after quiet time to play in it! This cracks me up, they took their snowshovels out into the yard and just played with them.
And Jacob wanted to go too.
Demanded, actually.
Sam was spinning around in circles with his shovel. Pure snowy joy.
I did talk them in to coming over and snuggling up with Jacob.
He didn't have to work too hard to make a snow angel.
He is one. <3
After I came out with Jacob, the boys decided to go get their sleds, and go zipping down the small hill in the backyard. It's not a huge sledding hill, in fact, we've never had good luck on it before, until this weekend. Then they finally figured out how to work it.
Sam sled down first, didn't even wait for the rest of us to get up to the top.
I had bought Jacob a long sled a few days prior, and when I pushed him down it, he went flying.
The two of them had started down at the same time.
Sam surrendured, being cold enough, and went inside.
But Chris decided to go down with Jacob.
And thus began a new era....The era of brothers playing with each other!
They must've gone down together 10 times, with Chris pulling Jake back up the hill each time.
Jake would grunt, and Chris understood that it meant, Come on, let's go again!
My view from next to our sledding hill.
We have a line of beautiful fir trees, that goes down a fir piece. ;)
And they were catching the light, so beautifully Saturday night.
Chris and Jake were having such a great time sledding down that hill!
Chris was so self sufficient that I was able to go back up towards the house.
Somebody had to start the cocoa - but imagine my surprise when Eric already had!
The boys went down a couple more times and joined me.
Me and my pajamified cocoa buddy. Jacob decided he likes cocoa too.
I spiked his chocolate milk with a little hot cocoa, so it was like warm milk, and he was perfectly content. We all dig our hot cocoa after playing in the snow!
On Sunday, the boys went to church, and when they came home, they played outside for a bit again.
This time, I'd been sleeping, and missed the memo. So I tossed some tea together for them.
Turns out they love hot tea almost as much as Aunt Lisa and Mommy.
There's just something about drinking a warm beverage that warms you from the inside out.
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