We went to see the folks in High Risk/Maternal Fetal Medicine on Friday. Though it was a weird day for them. Apparently, since so many folks were still on Vacation (including our kids, who stayed with Grandma) there was only 1 doc in the office, and she was running her head off. And so we Waited. Not terribly long, but a while, long enough for Eric to make a Hot Cocoa run downstairs. Then we got to spend a half an hour watching my Favorite TV show -- Baby #3 Doing the Backstroke! He was doing great. They measured a few of the same things as last time, and got a good look at the face and spine. And his spine looks Fine. No indications of Imperferate Anus. I asked the nurse if I could have a picture of the spine, that the reason was because of Chris's spine being all wonky, and she said No. What?! Yes, apparently, they can give me "cute baby" pictures, but the stuff they measure, no they can't do that. Not sure why, liability, I guess. OK. I wasn't that insistent, but she told me she'd ask the doctor. I told her, I just wanted pics to share with the family, I know I'm not the only one who worries if this baby will be able to poop. And now that we know he's doing fine (with regard to the Tear and stuff) we can worry about other things. She said she'd check. In the mean time, she printed off a few "Cute Baby" pics.
Eric and I think his profile looks like Christopher, but maybe with a dash more of Sam's nose. Although who are we kidding? - Both the boys have my nose, looks like all of them might. It's going to be so amazing to see his face when he gets here, and try to place who he looks like.
When the doctor finally came in, she took a look at the baby, whisking through the stuff the tech had done, and she u/s further, trying to check that spine. As we discussed Chris's V and A (of VACTER(L) syndrome) she said Sure, we could have spine pictures. We found ourselves with quite the collection, there were more spine pictures than Cute Baby pictures. Crazy Lady printed off 6 of them for us!
But his Spine looks good. It really is difficult to hit a moving target.
Oh and Yes, he's still a Boy!
They estimated his growth at 22 weeks, 4 days (though I was technically, 22 w, 1d) so he's a little big. They estimated his weight at 1 pound, 5 ounces! Big Boy!
We discussed the weirdness I'm having with my blood pressure and stuff. And I told her I'm seeing my OB next week. But since I'm having high BP spikes and shortness of breath, Eric had gotten me a cuff just after Christmas, and I've seen 150/100 at home, and been feeling swirly. It's just weird. And not right. They wanted to forward me on to a Cardiologist to do an EKG. I kind of had thought we'd be doing one in Their office. But no. Apparently, they don't do that. As it was the doc was crazy busy, I kind of got the impression, once they assessed the baby was healthy they were glad to be rid of us. They don't want to see me back, just forward me on to Cardiology.
It wasn't until we were walking down the hall afterwards did we realize, they didn't say 1 word about the Tear. The tiny tear in my placenta was the reason I'd been sent to MFM to begin with. When the tech was checking the placenta, I thought I spotted the gnarly corner and I asked her about the tear, and she told me to ask the doctor. The doctor would assess it. Only, I didn't, we talked about my BP and Chris, the tear, notsomuch. Eric and I are guessing that since they didn't say anything they must not have seen it, or it must be healed enough for us to not bother about it anymore. That sounds good to me. And it's so Comforting to just Know that the Baby is doing ok. I can keep up this moderate bedrest thing, and my body being weird, as long as he is OK. And so far, so good!
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