It's been a while since I tooted the horn of my neice, Annie, who just turned the big 8 weeks old, and got her first round of shots. Poor baby. It's funny though, Lisa and I were chatting last night, about how we both see so much of the other one in our children, but we don't see ourselves. I see Lisa in Christopher all the time, especially when he's swollen from sleep, like when he was in his butterball phase (Lisa is blessed with a narrow form now, but she was a butterball early on) or his little triangular nostrils. I used to raz Lisa about these all the time. I certainly don't have dainty upside down triangle shaped nostrils (there is little here that's dainty, especially of late)...but she does...and Chris does. Lisa sent me this picture, saying she swears that she sees a dimple that I have on my right cheek, on Annie's. Actually, I do see a hint of dimpleness.

Anyway, she told me a nickname they've been calling Annie, and I just had to right it down because I laughed so hard, that when I was retelling Eric, I literally cried.
Princess Squawks-a-lot from the Kick-a-poo Tribe.
awww is she super cute or what?! You are so lucky to have a niece!
Dude! I am so blessed, I have 3 neices! Annie is just the most recent. I have two from Eric's side, Alexis, age 7 and Kaylee, almost 4. They grow up so fast. I should feature the girls sometime! My sister in law's blog is in my column, arak2d.
DEFINITELY think she and Chris could be siblings. They look A LOT alike!!!!
Uhm, excuse me, but YOU have those triangular nostrils too, I may say! Perhaps you just don't notice them because you'd have to look UP your own nose to see them, and as you've always been older and taller than me, I'm quite used to staring up there, and let me tell ya sister, YOU GOT 'EM TOO. So there. Also, I'm emailing you more/newer Pantspix with MORE of YOUR dimple, so you should post THOSE on here... :)
3 nieces! :) you're extra lucky! I'm the oldest of 4, so I'm sure I'll have lots of them some day!
May you be so blessed! Neices and nephews are Wonderful, because you get to spoil them, love on them, and when they are beasts...give them back! I hear grandchildren are like that too, but with neices and nephews we don't have to wait as long.
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