Parker Alyse La Magdeleine Sharp
who was born on September 11, 2008 at 9:16 pm weighing in at a whopping 9 pounds, 11 ounces, and 21 inches long.

We got to go visit her last night, and Suellen wasn't kidding one bit that she was having a moose. She came via c-section, came out screaming, and then gurgled on amniotic fluid, so they had to throw her in the NICU. They were worried about pneumonia, and had her on an O/G (mouth to stomach) tube to pull out any crap in her stomach. Must've worked great, because I just received word, she's
and in her Mommies' arms.

Mom Alicia fussing over a fuss, doing a great job already leaping into Mommy role, trying to make everything better for the baby. Parker objects highly to the tube in her mouth. She only is content when a pacifier is put in. She used the arm that is strapped to a board with her I.V. in it, as a prop, and pushed her pacifier against it to hold it there while she sucked and slept. Apparently she's already such a genius! It was beautiful to hear Parker tell her Mommy all about how she objected to the situation. Such personality coming through already. They were worried about her health but I thought she looked great, pink and healthy, the biggest baby in the NICU. Considering how much stress and how little sleep has been obtained by all three girls over the last couple days, they all looked great when we visited last night.

Parker really is the Biggest Baby in the NICU. The only thing dainty about this little girl are her feet, so ladylike.
aw yay! I'm so glad to hear everyone is doing well :) cute! Oh, and that hat - that is adorable!
Yeah! Thank you for posting pictures. I'm so glad to hear that she's out of the NICU. I figured with such GIANT lungs that she'd have to start breathing better. How's Suellen? Is her back feeling better yet?
Seriously- I just went down your list and blogstalked all your friends and are they ALL having babies right now?!?!?!
She is sooo precious!
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