1. Pumpkin related foods (Einstein's has pumpkin muffins and Au Bon Pain has pumpkin soup, YUM-O), Halloween (Should Chris be Mickey Mouse?), colorful leaves turning, fun family birthdays, jean and t-shirt weather, hopefully a picnic in Brown County are some of the things I'm most looking forward to in October.
2. Sometimes I feel I want to (boom boom) Run Away. I want to (boom boom) Get Away....(Softcell) I want a vacation. I want to go somewhere fun, where the greatest debate is beach or pool, or where are we eating for the next meal? Who am I kidding? I WANT TO GO TO DISNEYWORLD! We promised Chris (and ourselves) that once he's "fixed" we'll take him to Disneyworld (Dave Ramsey be damned!) and now that possibility is appearing on the horizon, I really can't wait.
3. I had this 2 year old boy that insisted on either riding me, or dropping to the ground when holding my hand, or just running off (really good at the running off), and he's very small, and very speedy, and I noticed those leash things look pretty handy. I swore I'd never put a leash on my child, and that's why there is a saying, "never say never"! Now I keep one in the diaper bag, and I used it for the first time at the Kids' Resale a couple weeks ago. It was really handy, though Chris objected highly.
4. When I'm down, I am really down. I try not to let my mind go to the dark places, but when they do, it's pretty hard to dig my way out. I've been having seriously disturbing dreams lately, that wake me at like 5 am and I can't get back to sleep. I had one the other day that really shook me up for hours. I dreamt I'd been mysteriously implanted with a plastic baby and was losing it. Very bad.
5. Church is where you'll find me most often. Eric signed us up for this class, Living Discipleship, jury's still out on whether I enjoy it or not, on Monday nights. I do not enjoy that it meets until 8:30 pm, it's a little late for both Chris and I. So, now we're there Sundays, Mondays, occasionally Wednesdays for choir, and Fridays for MOPS. It's our second home. I guess that's a good thing, kind of the way it should be. But running a close second seems to be Riley, 3 appointments this week, (but it's been a busy week).
6. A rainy day is good for sleeping. Duh. I think Chris may even agree with me on this, he seems to be content to sit at home and take good long naps on rainy days...ok, he has on the last two rainy days...Twice makes a habit, right?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to Dad's birthday dinner at the Rathskeller with the Fam, which since I'm up at 6 unable to breathe or sleep I'm debating if I should still go, I'm 90% sure it's allergy related, and I LOVE the Rathskeller, but I just did the smart thing and backed out of MOPS for today (which I hated doing), am I responsible to not expose family too? Hmmmm.... tomorrow my plans include the Ovarian Cancer walk- Woo hoo! (DONATE PLEASE-see side link!). I hope that this bout of coughing I woke up with this morning is kind enough to subside so I can do it well, I really would like to beat my time for last year. Last year it was my first walk, and I was about 25 pounds heavier...but also now I'm preggers and can't breathe...it'll be interesting and Sunday, I want to put my husband to work around the house while I lay like broccoli and nap!
Mother of Rome by Lauren Bear
3 days ago
good call on the pumpkin foods! I should make pumpkin muffins.
Have fun at your walk!
Come anyway...we don't care we just want to see you and spend time with you. I think Alexis misses you like CRAZY!
Don't have to tell me twice, Rathskeller, warm pretzels and schnitzel, here I come!
You might have anticpated this answer, but YES, Chris should be Mickey Mouse! I was already thinking that since Emily is going to be Minnie. How stinkin' cute would THAT be???
Yay for sleeping!
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