Check it out, I'm ready for some sunshine!
The hair is out of my face, got the glasses, sunscreen, sun hat. Let's Get Serious!
The kids love playing on the sculpture Free Basket.
The lines trace paths of a basketball.
The Cuteness!
Look Ma! No Hands!
We were having a fine time playing on these, until we got booted off by an employee.
Wildflowers at the 100 Acres Park.
Black Eyed Susan
Rest stop.
We weren't there 20 minutes before the kids had to pee, wanted a snack, and drank half their waters.
But they were Cute.
They Loved "climbing the yellow" as Jacob put it.
I think that's the best description I've heard.
Swinging brothers.
My three yahoos!
We played a bit while we waited for our friends to arrive.
When they did arrive, they all wanted to play on the swing.
Except Emily. She's getting too cool for the littler kids, at the ripe age of 11.
Wild Kids in motion!
I love that they put this swing sculpture in. The boys love it.
And the swing was strong enough to even bare my weight!
Kristin was extra helpful pushing Jacob on the swings. At one point they were swinging together, and I watched as they fell off together, and Kristin literally put her body down first to save Jacob, instinctively. It was Awesome. Kristin got scuffed up pretty good. Jacob only got dirty.
Well done!
Funky Bones sculpture time!
The kids have been climbing this since they could climb. But they didn't remember it.
I guess it had been a long while since we'd visited this park.
All our Yahoos!
They really liked stomping on the head.
These were new, telescopes! And they didn't even cost any money!
Just free for the seeing.
Jacob loved checking out the turtles on the logs.
Chris was having a bit of trouble adjusting the viewfinder.
But we finally got it, and enjoyed counting animals.
Check me out. I used my phone to capture my view!
All the turtle cuteness on a log!
Everybody say Picnic!
Kathleen brought a couple picnic blankets, and we had our lunch on a spread in the shade.
I love eating like we're french, apples and cheese. I wish I'd had break or crackers, but not too shabby. We took care of our water problem.
All our yahoos "climbing the yellows"!
They asked me to make a Slo Mo video.
But poor Em had jumped off the rock first in a pre-emptive strike, and fell, and tweaked her wrist.
She wasn't up for another attempt. So she just made googley eyes and funny faces to start our slo mo video. Mission accomplished.
It felt good to be silly all together again.
Hiking view.
Normally, I don't like photographing people's backsides, but there's something beautiful about being at the end of the group, and seeing the backs of my loved ones as they walk back to the car, exhausted from a great adventure. And only two of us ended up bleeding.
Hopefully no hospitals will need to be visited.
But we worked up a good sweat, got nice and dirty, and had some laughs.
Perfect for a summer's day. <3
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