Wednesday, June 7, 2017

19 years

Can you believe it's been 19 years since these two young whippersnappers got married?!

Last night before bed, we sat down and watched our Wedding video.  
We were so young, and we were so Blessed by having so many of our loved ones in one place at one time. It was like a wonderful Gift, being able to see all my Grandparents alive on video again.  My sister looks so young, and our cousins, Wow!  I look at the people they have become and it's amazing.  
I look at the people we have become, the family we have begun, and that's amazing too. 

Eric got me a gift of wooden panels, and though I was a little perplexed, he explained, these panels can become a raised garden.  Woohoo!  We can build it one or two planks deep now, and add on later. If we want to raise it up higher, it can become deeper  too.  That's going to be so nifty.  Obviously, it's too late to put in a garden this year, but hopefully by next summer, I'll be planting in my own garden! 
I got him a pack of DVDs with Ocean's 11,12, and 13.  I told him, "the thing at the place, I'll never forget it."  I won't ever forget our 'thing at the place' 19 years ago either.  <3

Selfie in the sun. 

Meanwhile, Eric's parents were kind and generous enough to watch all three yahoos while we escaped for a date night dinner.  
On a Tuesday - Madness! 

So we went to the Rathskeller downtown for German fare. 
I so wish I'd been able to take him to Germany this year. It's not financially wise, but since I've known him, he's wanted to go to Germany, and do a Luther tour, during the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation year.  But we can't be that financially irresponsible.  So we did German Dinner instead. 
Also, not too shabby. 

I got my jagerschnitzel, all that mushroomy goodness on top, and Eric got the schnitzel cordon bleu.  Mmmm.....

These two kids don't look that different than on 19 years ago. 
Though, life has changed, down in the core, we really haven't.  
I still love him, he's still my closest friend, and vice versa.  

I see relationships changing around me, and I'm so Thankful for this one. 
It's hard work, don't get me wrong, it's taken us some effort to get through the hard times, but it's been Totally Worth It.