Tuesday, May 17, 2016

On the docket

It's not official until I announce it on the Internet,  right?!  Well,  since this is like my journal, so I am happy to announce here the results from my appt with Dr. T.  My mammogram results were clean and clear. Whew!  I'd been feeling extra tender so I was happy for good results.
In addition, and probably most exciting of all, the insurance company agreed to cover my surgery!  So, now it's getting real.  They happened to have a cancellation available for Thursday, but with all the end of the school year madness, we couldn't get coverage. That was so soon.  So we chose to wait until the big boys are back in school. So we now have a date for my breastfeeding reduction surgery.  On August 11, I'll be going under the knife.  I'm so excited!


Elizabeth said...

YEA!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

amy said...

I'may so excited for you.