Monday, September 30, 2013

Delta Love

Many many moons ago, I was in a Sorority.  OK, two actually.  One was an Honorary Sorority, Tau Beta, Sigma, and I loved being in that organization so much, that when the opportunity rolled around, I rushed.  I became a member of Delta Delta Delta, the more typical greek sorority that you think of when you think of sororities.  Our house was small, and there's a larger story there than I'm going to go into here.  But, to sum up, our House got closed, and I was so crushed I had very little to do with my ex-sisters for the next few year.  But Facebook has brought me around, and in the past couple years, I've been lucky enough to get together with some of my Sisters.   This weekend, one of them living in Phoenix was in town for a wedding.  So we went out to dinner to meet up with her and a few of the gals.   Our spouses were kind enough to let us have a Girl's Table at Cheddar's.  We chose the new Cheddar's in Avon, since we used to go to the old one before it burned down.  But the menu has changed a bit since old times....maybe we have too.

I still got the Cookie Monster - I remember getting that dessert.  Eric missed them not having a Cheddar cheese soup he used to love.  I found that funny too.  I loved that even though we haven't seen eachother in 15 years, so many things were still the same.  Here's something really hysterical - we had a Kid Table too.  And all of us have boys.  There's only 1 of my sorority sisters that I know of that has girls...and she lives in Ireland.  Must be something there.

We let the big boys have their own table, and the little boys have a table.  It went pretty well, for a while.  Blessedly, the waitress was very kind and understanding of all our craziness, such that all in all, we had a really great evening.