Maybe it's the Amber waves of grain, specifically field after field of corn. I guess I missed it too much when we lived in California for that few years, because one of my favorite things about fall is the neverending fields of beautiful browning corn. Around here the last week or so the farmers have been harvesting. The corn is nice and dry and great for Feed or grinding. We were lucky to sample some sweet corn in the summer, but this time of year isn't the time for fresh corn. I worked doing QA at a corn mill, for a few years and beginning of October was our new crop.
I was lucky to snag a few before and after pics on the country roads this last week near our place.
Love the drying corn before harvesting. "Them's gonna be some happy pigs, get to eat that."
Row after row after row.
After harvesting.
Check out all the schmultz left behind.
My favorite.
These are great shots! I love cornfields!
Thanks for joining us again in the Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge. I hope you'll be back again on Friday when we move on to our new theme, white! Have a great day! :)
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