The black pair was a pair of girly shoes I got in high school, quite possibly my junior or senior year. I remember wearing them to get my senior pictures taken. Dress up shoes is a sore point for me, my toes are so squared off that none really fit, so they are a pain in the butt to find. I find it strange that these two shoes are my oldest and newest. What you do not see is generations of Birkenstocks that I wore to falling apart in between that I didn't discover until Freshman year in college. My mother teased me mercilessly for wearing those sandals all year round, with socks in winter, sloshing through the snow like snowshoes...until she tried on a pair herself, then she understood. By then I had discovered Birkenstock Bostons, so I only sloshed for two winters. ;) These are Naturalizer pumps (read old lady shoes) and they've lasted forever. The most comfortable girly shoe I'd ever worn. Then again, anymore if I have to dress up, I wear my Danskos or my Patent Leather Birkies. I think I may have worn these twice since Chris was born, but you never know when you'll need a dainty girly shoe when a Birky just won't do. As for the sneakers....Eric has been on a running kick. He told me that your shoes should go X many miles. Well, I don't run, I walk. I had one pair of sneakers, and that was it. So, late this summer, when we bought him an obnoxiously priced pair of running shoes, he got me a pair of walking shoes too. I got professionally measured and sized up, and blah blah blah. They are terribly ugly, big clompy grandma Walkers, but SO Comfortable. So Comfy. So far, I've only worn them to do "Cause" Walks, Ovarian Cancer and Domestic Violence Walks, because they are pretty and still white. Perhaps I'll walk again by summer.
You should go walk in a mall in the winter...good for you...good for baby! Or do laps at Walmart/Target...
Oh, I will. Chris keeps me on the move for sure!
YEAH! I am glad you accepted the challenge! And glad to know you are a fellow Birk addict...
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