Thursday, March 31, 2016

I owe the Universe

I was thinking I owe the Universe 30$. 

 I was at the grocery store earlier this week with Chris after Karate, and my card wouldn't work.  I had received one of those fancy debit cards with the chip in it, that requires you to use a pin.  I had no idea what the pin is for that card.  I thought I knew.  I was wrong. Clearly.
I was explaining to Chris how we were going to have to return all the bagels and milk and cream cheese we'd just bought, all his favorite products.  It was like diffusing a bomb.  Then an Angel came. A man in a suit walking in the opposite direction, just handed the cashier his card, and kept walking into the store.  No opportunity to Thank Him, I was flabbergasted.  That sort of thing never happens to me in real life.  Wow, how Blessed am I. What were the odds.
I was looking around for an opportunity to pay the debt, keeping an ear out for someone in need.

And then it happened again. I was at Starbucks.  This time, the card just wasn't working at all.  And I didn't have petty cash.  It had nothing to do with not knowing the pin.  The kids had been Good, it was Spring Break, so on our way downtown we stopped at Starbucks. This was not the time of the month where we have a lot of spending money. But I thought we had enough money on the card for Starbucks. We were headed to the Children's Museum, because it's Free.  And when I was having trouble paying, the man behind me just slapped down his card, and told me not to worry.

And it made their day. 

I owe the Universe another 10$!

It made me cry.  
Maybe the Universe is telling me something. Chivalry isn't dead?  Pay it Forward is Working?  I don't know.  Maybe I should just be Grateful.  Twice in one week!  Maybe God is Telling me something?!

 Just Stop and Be Grateful.