This weekend was the last bit of Summer for us.
Technically, Christopher started school this week, but it was only a 2 day week for him. That's only barely a dip into fall, right?! He did great at school, and he just loves it.
But we still had a little bit of Summer left to celebrate.
One of our swim classes got cancelled due to rain over the summer, so we got to make it up this weekend. It wasn't supposed to dip into August, which was why we Celebrated with our Fest last weekend. But that's OK, it was still pretty cool outside. I think I would have been even less inclined to swim this weekend than last. So for the last day, the Daddy's chatted.
The kids swam. Sort of.
I was impressed as Chris swam for an o-ring just as I came over to take some pictures. His swim skills have just exploded this summer. I love the IndyParks program, and I'm so Proud of Chris conquering his fears.
Sam wasn't too inclined to get in and swim. It was Very Cold in that water, and he just doesn't have the meat on his bones to withstand it. But then they played a game, something about a hippo and an alligator, though it seemed like a cross between Marco Polo and Mother May I. Anyway, there was chasing, and Sam really loved that.
After the last swim class, we decided to go out to lunch, usually we used to go to Chick Fil-A all the time in previous summers after class, but we just haven't been able to swing it this year. So on this last day, Eric and I suggested Culver's. We're always up for fried stuff with cheese. Eric loves their fried cheese curds. I dig the frozen custard. Turns out all the kids did too. Every kid ate their lunch in order to earn some frozen custard. And then they got Sugared Up!
After brief naps, for some of us, Eric's company hosted a Family Night at Victory Field where we got to see the Indians play. We should have been a Party of 5. But Christopher wanted instead to do a karate thing. We thought Grandma might bring him to meet us downtown after his karate thing, but we didn't last long at the game.
There was a great picnic dinner: hot dogs and hamburgers, beer, baked beans (pretty sure Jake didn't appreciate them) and did I mention beer?! It was a special area, shady, grassy knoll, and the beverages and food flowed freely. It was great. We laid out a blanket and had a picnic dinner. But when the game began, we headed towards our seats, and Jacob lost his every loving mind.
See?! Mommy, Jake and Sam at Baby's First Baseball Game.
Even Daddy's magic bouncing couldn't calm him down.
We went to our seats, and Jake calmed down...for all of 2 innings.
Then he started getting ootsy so we packed up and hit the road.
It was worth it, even though we didn't last the whole game. I am most glad we didn't pay for the tickets. I didn't feel so bad having to cut out. But at least we got to watch some of the game. And we did have fun. I'd forgotten how much I love a baseball game. Maybe next year we'll make it through half the game. ;)
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