HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank goodness 2020 is Over!
We pray that 2021 is a Better year!
Gearing up for the new year, we watched the Rose Parade this morning.
We are 'hopefully' gonna need to prepare for our big trip to Macy's this coming fall.
So let's get used to Parades!
Her Royal Highness takes over the couch when the boys aren't looking.
She didn't want to do much but lay there.
I don't blame her, I think she spent most of the day Recovering
from everyone staying up so late last night.
I'm so Close, I spent most of the day finishing this hat that Jacob asked for. He finished knitting his first scarf, and he wanted a hat to go with it. Reminds me of a Mouse a Cookie book.
We played games.
Here we're playing Apples to Apples.
It's fun now that everyone is old enough to participate in most games.
The Family tradition is to do Ham and Cabbage.
We mutated it to Grandma Willman's Ham Balls and Cole Slaw.
Some folks use other meats for good luck, or black eyed peas, but E's fam swore by ham and cabbage. They used to just do a huge crock pot / boil. But we've changed it over the years.
I missed having the fam around for the holidays. But it's kind of nice to have the quiet too.
I was a woman on a mission.
I finally finished it, nearing midnight. That counts right?!
Maybe yellow is my color too?
I'm looking forward to 2021 being a quieter and calmer new year.
Happy New Year.
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